other information
The Catholic Cemeteries is available to assist individuals or families in genealogy research. However, handling burials in our cemeteries is our number one priority, and so our attention goes to those first. That’s why it’s important to first contact The Catholic Cemeteries with your request by email or phone before coming to the cemetery.
Available information in cemetery records includes the following: name of deceased, date of burial, age and location of the grave. If the burial is on a family lot, we have the names of other family members although not necessarily the relationships.
Sometimes the grave markers have additional information, such as dates of birth and death or the spouse’s name, so it may be helpful to locate and visit the gravesite. It’s also important to remember that our older records may not be completely accurate. They aren’t legal documents.
Information that we do not have: death certificates, obituaries, birth and death dates, or the church someone attended.
You may contact us at stxoffice@stx-pburg.org or call 304-422-6786.