The need to remember the life of a loved one who has died has been part of the human experience throughout history. In the Catholic Church, the baptized are encouraged to remember through prayer, ritual and permanent symbols those who have gone before us in faith. The Catholic Cemeteries offers a variety of meaningful ways to permanently and reverently memorialize the life of a departed loved one. In addition, seasonal tributes including flowers at Memorial Day and wreathes during the Christmas season are also available.
Monuments are above-ground granite memorials that customarily are placed at the head of a lot. Monuments are available in a variety of colors and sizes determined by the number of graves owned. A minimum of two graves (designated as monument graves), located in a monument section, is required for the placement of a monument. The common family name, names of individuals buried on the lot, and other design work may be inscribed on the face of a monument. If size permits, flower vases may be affixed to the monument base.
Markers are in-ground granite memorials that are customarily located at the foot of a grave. Like monuments, markers are available in a variety of colors and sizes determined by the cemetery rules. Markers are also permitted on monument lots along with a monument.
Flower vases made of bronze or granite may be installed on a monument base. A self-standing in-ground bronze vase may be installed, and is a favorite way of adorning a non-monument grave. Bronze vases include a concrete base or a granite base at purchasers option. These in-ground vases can be inverted into the integral canister in the ground to allow for mowing and cemetery maintenance. The Catholic Cemeteries offers three bronze vase designs; the Lotus, Doric, and Grecian. Each style vase has a cross emblem.
Personal memory rings are a unique feature available with a bronze in-ground flower vase. These can be inscribed with the name and years of birth and death of the person buried in the grave, usually a cremation burial on top of an existing conventional burial. It can also be used to remember someone who is not buried in the grave.
Memory lights are an option interchangeable with the in-ground bronze flower vases. It fits onto a vase base and can be inverted into the ground. A wax candle or an inexpensive flickering battery-operated candle, can be placed inside the red colored plastic shell to provide the light over the gravesite.
Families customarily remember a loved one interred in a crypt or niche with inscriptions of names and birth-death dates. Special adornments, such as vases and religious emblems, may be added to the crypt and niche fronts per cemetery regulations. The size and placement of the vases and emblems will vary with the space available on the crypt and niche fronts.